Investor relations

This section provides relevant information to the shareholders, potential investors as well as other stakeholders interested about the management structure, shares, the calendar of financial events, corporate governance and important business events. All necessary information to investors and shareholders will be communicated to the capital market institutions, FSA and BSE, and will be published in this section.

Starting with May 2022, Rompetrol Well Services (BSE: PTR) is a member of the Romanian Investor Relations Association (ARIR). It is the only association specialized in Investor Relations in Romania, a community of the most important companies listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, which have the goal to implement best practices for transparency, investor communication and corporate governance.

Rompetrol Well Services has been listed on the main market of BSE since June 18, 1998, and by this partnership, we assume the implementation of the best practices and standards of corporate governance, ESG and permanent, transparent communication with investors and all our stakeholders. Vektor is the first indicator of communication with investors of listed companies in Romania.

Together with ARIR, we want to contribute significantly to the development of the local capital market.



01 August 2024
The Rompetrol Traineeship has reached its 24th edition

Today, KMG International (Rompetrol) launched the training program dedicated to technical students and graduates, a tradition of over 20 years through which the Group provides young specialists with the chance to have a career in the energy sector.

General Meeting of Shareholders
for the running year

Forms, reports and information about structure, call notices and dividends.

Financial timetable

Date Event
11/15/24 Presentation of the results recorded during the Third Quarter of 2024 and between January – September 2024
8/14/24 Presentation of the results recorded during the First Semester and Second Quarter of 2024
5/15/24 Presentation of the results recorded during the First Quarter of 2024
4/26/24 Release of the 2023 Annual Report
4/26/24 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for approving financial results for the year 2023 (second convocation)
4/25/24 Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders for approving financial results for the year 2023 (first convocation)
2/29/24 Presentation of preliminary, individual results for the year 2023 and QIV 2023

Corporate Governance


Meet the people who set the course in Rompetrol Well Services today.


Meet the management team.


See the reference documents.


Notices given in observance of the legislation to ensure transparency and fairness.


 Tel: +40 244 54 43 21  Tel: +40 244 54 42 65  Tel: +40 244 54 41 01  Fax: +40 244 52 29 13  E-mail: [email protected]  E-mail: [email protected]  Address: Str. Clopoței, no. 2 bis, Ploiești, Romania
Investor relations responsible Chiţu Adina Elena Lawyer Legal Department  Tel: +40(0)744 68 68 37