
We have committed to operating in a way that respects the environment and protects the water, air, and land in our areas. We continually work to improve our environmental performance, reduce our environmental impact, and maximize the effective use of resources.

We aim to operate according to the best available practices, and this is reflected in the decisions we make.

Rompetrol Well Services conducts its business in accordance with international standards:

Rompetrol Well Services operations are certified with ISO 14001 environmental management standard, which is renewed regularly. Whenever there are changes in the activity the company carries out, its environmental impact assessment is reviewed and updated.

Some of the objectives included in the Environmental Management Plan address the following:

  1. Implementation of sustainability ideas within the entity:
    • Disposal of plastic waste within the Company 100% - recovery rate
    • Optimizing the consumption of electricity and gas by using LED lamps and using new thermal power plants with low consumption
    • Reducing paper consumption through electronic archiving
  2. Monitoring and implementation of environmental aspects imposed in environmental permits.
  3. Periodic monitoring of the spaces arranged for waste collection and their safe storage.
  4. Training in the field of environmental protection of the staff working for and on behalf of the organization.
  5. Prevention of any accidental pollution.

Target: 0 accidental pollution caused by Rompetrol Well Services employees.

We require all our contractors to comply with HS-ES-E conventions, respecting legislation and providing equipment that meets the required emissions parameters for GHG (NOx, CO, SOx, PM, noise). We also ensure that our transport contracts comply with the legislation in force, as we understand the importance of reducing our carbon footprint and minimizing our impact on the environment.

To prevent accidental spills of hydrocarbons, dangerous substances or other materials in the environment, Rompetrol Well Services follows a comprehensive set of internal policies and procedures which include an Emergency response plan, Emergency Preparedness and Response Capacity, and an accidental pollution prevention plan. There is an annual exercise plan implemented in all Rompetrol Well Services locations.

During 2022, there were no significant spills or grievances from the local community recorded.

Power consumption is fully monitored.

Energy consumption within the organization
2022 2021 2020
Fuels 6811.184MWh 
678,855 l
615,675 l
624,451 l
Diesel for heat production installation 11,205 l 8,119 l 4,046 l
Diesel for mobility 666,039 l 605,686 l 616,960 l
Gasoline for mobility 1,611 l 1,870 l 3,444 l
Electricity 62.10 tCO2e
Emission factor 217.24 kgCO2e / MWh
59.44 tCO2e
Emission factor 217.24 kgCO2e / MWh
58.28 tCO2e
Emission factor 217.24 kgCO2e / MWh
Natural gas combustion 137,746 m3
1,468 MWh
Emission factor 1.9 kgCO2e / m3
286.12 tCO2e
171,770 m3
1,818 MWh
Emission factor 1.9 kgCO2e / m3
326.36 tCO2e
150,592 m3
1,621 MWh
Emission factor 1.9 kgCO2e / m3
286.12 tCO2e

The water used is supplied by local water supply companies.

Megaliters 2022 2021 2020
Water withdrawal 21.04 22.36 21.87
Surface water 18.03 19.68 18.30
Third-party water 3.01 2.68 3.57
Water discharge 21.001 22.340 21.86
Water consumption (ML)
Water withdrawal – water discharge
0.04 0.02 0.02

The waste management flow is monitored according to the Waste Management Plan. Subcontractors are responsible for managing their own generated waste.

To manage our waste effectively, we have implemented a comprehensive system that includes designated containers for each waste type on the waste platform corresponding to each RWS location. We keep records of the monthly amount of waste generated and store them on the waste management record sheet, which is classified according to the waste code.

To ensure our waste is managed responsibly, we have contracted authorized companies to collect the waste from each location on a monthly basis.

2022 Waste Management
Code Type of waste Generated Recycled Eliminated
20 03 01 Mixed municipal waste 31.460 0.000 31.460
17 04 05 Iron and steel 12.400 12.400 -
12 01 01 Iron and steel filings and shavings 0.000 0.000 -
20 01 01 Paper and cardboard 0.360 0.360 -
15 01 02 Plastic packaging 10.398 10.398 -
15 01 02 Plastic (PET) 0.196 0.196 -
15 01 01 Paper and cardboard packaging - - -
16 01 03 Used tires 0002 0.000 0.002
13 02 05* Non-chlorinated mineral oil 0.850 0.850 -
20 01 36 Electric and electronic equipment - - -
07 02 99 Other unspecified waste (such as rubber) 1.400 1.400 -
10 11 03 Fiberglass 2.500 2.500 -
16 01 07 Oil filters 0.260 0.260 -
16 03 05* Organic waste containing hazardous substances 0.840 0.840 -
20 01 21* Fluorescent tubes 0.015 0.015 -
15 01 11* Metal packaging waste 0.540 0.540 -
08 03 17* Printer toner waste 0.030 0.030 -
TOTAL (tons) - 61.251 29.789 31.462

Rompetrol Well Services has a waste prevention plan in place, along with waste management plans for each working points, with clear objectives and targets, and updated on a regular basis. Most of the waste is generated from packaging materials, municipal waste, scrapped inventory


SCOPE 1 2022 2021 2020
  2,069.49 tCO2 1987.94 tCO2 1970.76 tCO2
SCOPE 2 2022 2021 2020
  62.10 tCO2 59.32 tCO2 58.28 tCO2
SCOPE 3 2022 2021 2020
  3,491.40 tCO2 3386.92 tCO2 2597.98 tCO2
GHG Emissions Intensity Scope1+Scope2+Scope3/Net sales
2022 2021 2020
0.00010703 0.00012185 0.00009707
Reduction of GHG emissions 2022 vs 2021 2022 vs 2020
  13.85% decrease 9.31% increase